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Ideas On How To Help Protect Your Child’s Mental Health

Mental health is an area we all have to pay attention to now more than ever before. Our mental health is important and that of our children is equally important. The well-being of our children needs a lot of care. Previously, most parents are usually more concerned about every other thing that has to do with their children, except the area of mental health, which is an area that was always pushed aside. Probably because some Parents did not know that mental health can affect all aspects of a child’s life. 

Mental health conditions in children can be described as significant changes, disorders, or some setbacks in the area of behavior, social skills, emotional control, and age-appropriate thinking. Children find all these issues very unpleasant and sometimes difficult to cope with because it hinders their ability to function the way they would have normally functioned at home, in school, or at social events.

It is sometimes difficult for parents to identify Mental Health issues in children. Based on this, a lot of children who could have benefited from treatment don’t get the help needed.

It is therefore important that parents know how to recognize warning signs of mental health issues in children and how they can help their children.



  • Outbursts or extreme temper/ Out-of-control behavior 
  • Persistent occurrence of sadness and hopelessness that last for weeks.
  • Changes in eating pattern.
  • An extreme change in mood and behavior.
  • Weight loss.
  • Sleeping difficulty.
  • Reoccurring headaches or stomachaches.
  • Talking a lot about death or suicide.
  • Apprehensive about bad things happening now and, in the future.
  • Struggling to focus or maintain attention.
  • Withdrawing from people/ Avoiding mingling and socializing.
  • Being very frightened of school and social gatherings.
  • A decline in academic performance.
  • Talking about hurting oneself or acting to hurt oneself.
  • Trouble concentrating.
  • Frequent low energy level (sluggish, restless, being very tired or tensed).
  • Having a feeling of worthlessness.
  • Self-destructive behavior.



  • Love your child unconditionally.
  • Listen to them while they talk.
  • Always create time to talk with them.
  • Encourage them to express and talk about their feelings, and show that you understand and validate their feelings.
  • Discipline in love and explain the reason for discipline without shaming them.
  • Encourage them to eat healthy meals.
  • Create time for them to play and have fun.
  • Allow your child to have good sleeping habits.
  • Model positive self-care.
  • Encourage them to be independent as much as possible

  • Get a lot of information about mental health issues.
  • Ask a mental health professional for advice.
  • Enroll in training programs designed for adults/ parents who work or plan to work with children who have mental health issues.
  • Commend your child’s strengths and efforts.
  • Work in partnership with your child’s school to get the necessary support.
  • Use stress management techniques.
  • Look for different ways to help you and your child relax.
  • Have fun with your child, dance, sing, play games, and laugh together.


When having fun with your child and laughing together, your body releases endorphins (which are one of several substances made in the body) that promote a feeling of well-being.


It is important to talk to your child about Mental Health because Mental health is just as important as physical health. When conversations on Mental Health become regular, more people will be empowered to talk freely and get the help they need when necessary.

Have discussions with your child at their level of development or at a level that is appropriate to your child’s age.

Put your emotions and body language in check when having discussions about mental health with your child. The way you handle the discussion will help your child stay calm and comfortable because these discussions can be difficult.

It Is good to observe how your child reacts during these conversations.

Watch your child’s mood before you bring up the discussion.

If your child does not feel comfortable having these conversations with you, get help from someone you and your child can both trust.

Give your child full attention when having these conversations. Make sure you listen attentively with no distractions.

When having conversations with younger children, charts and emojis can be useful to help them express their emotions. They can point to the different faces that show different emotions and relate them to how they feel.




Taking care of a child or young person is not an easy task. As parents, you must look after your mental well-being. If you take care of yourself, you will be able to care for those around you.  

It will help to always try to recognize and admit when you are feeling a bit down or overwhelmed.

You should not feel ashamed when you are scared, or worried or when you feel completely helpless during difficult times. It is abysmal.

You don’t have to cope alone. You can get some help by reaching out to a close member of the family, a parent, a friend, or a trusted person who can support you and your child in different ways.

Discuss with your child’s pediatrician. Express your concerns and narrate the behavior have noticed in your child.  

It will help to ask for a referral to see a professional who is experienced in working with children in the area of mental health. The professional will evaluate your child and give you clarity and also recommend the intervention that will be most helpful for you and your child.





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Adesimbo Banjo

Adesimbo Banjo

A professional educator

Adesimbo Banjo is a professional educator who has worked with children for over 19 years and is very passionate about raising the next generation of leaders. She is the Head of Role Model School

Adesimbo Banjo

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