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Teaching Children About God

The modern generation with its technological devices has found a way of shifting the heart of man from his God to something else entirely.

As the developments in technology is seen to advance every single time, it is also important that the efforts of everyone, particularly parents, in ensuring that their children don’t get lost in the ‘social media world’ is not neglected.

The truth about children is that: ‘if their parents don’t teach them, someone else will teach them’. Now, the question is ‘what are parents really teaching their children?’

Every child born into this world is pure and innocent and free from every thought of the evil one, but what the child learns from their infant stage is what remains with them for a long period of their time on planet ‘earth’.

It is possible that parents didn’t have the proper knowledge on what to teach their children which as a result didn’t end up well for their wards, but change is constant, any system can experience change, especially when it comes to children.

The best change that can happen in the life of children right from when they are brought into this world is a good relationship and knowledge about their maker, God.

If your children won’t learn about God, then it is only right to say that they are learning about the world, and that is not a good enough foundation for any child no matter their race, tradition, religion and so on.

The foundation of every child is the knowledge the parents give to them, and teaching your children about God is as important as teaching them about moral and cultural values. There are various ways you can teach your children about God and some of the ways will be discussed as follows:


Make them aware that there is God:

Many narratives aimed at nullifying the existence of God are rampant on social media and only those who know their God will stand and not listen to those who are against the existence of God.

When you continually teach your children that there’s a Maker, a Creator, a God;

these children will believe it no matter what, and they will grow in that belief system and have convictions which will be hard for the social media world to take away from them.


 Make them talk to God and wait on His response:

Too many times we get impatient in waiting for a response from God, and when we don’t wait to hear from God, we cannot really be confident that we know when our God speaks to us.

Likewise in the case of children, they need to be taught that they too can speak to God and expect to hear from Him.

Parents need to encourage their children to be practical with their God, so they can be more convinced that they know God’s voice as they grow in life.


Tell them of what God did for you:

Parents are more experienced in life than their children, and they are expected to have a track record of the faithfulness of God in their lives because their testimony is an inspiration to someone else.

When parents cultivate the attitude of letting their children know what God had also done for them, their children will very easily believe that God can do the same for them too, and they will seek God more as they grow.


 Make them students of the Word:

The Word of God is essential to the growth of everyone, both young and old, and this must not be neglected by parents when teaching their children about God.

When their children become dedicated students of God’s word, they won’t be tossed to and fro by what just anybody says, they will be firmly rooted because they know what the Word of God says.

All these and more are various ways whereby children can get to know God and even have a relationship with Him that their friends would envy. If parents don’t teach their children about God now, tomorrow might be too late because children learn everyday whether the teacher is their parents or not.

Parents should take up the responsibility of teaching their children about God by themselves and take away anything from the world that can corrupt their knowledge about God.

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Adesimbo Banjo

Adesimbo Banjo

A professional educator

Adesimbo Banjo is a professional educator who has worked with children for over 19 years and is very passionate about raising the next generation of leaders. She is the Head of Role Model School

Adesimbo Banjo

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