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Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance is an important topic that we all need to know and understand.  It is also essential to know how to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Listed below are some ways that work and life balance can be improved.

Know what Work-Life Balance is.

Work-life balance is a strategy that aids employees in juggling their personal and professional obligations.

To achieve a healthy work-life balance, employees are encouraged to allocate their time according to their priorities, including time for their families, their health, their vacations, and their careers.

In light of this, let us talk about three ways you can organise your time and energy such that you feel engaged and fulfilled as a whole person.

What will enable you to present your best self and prevent mental fatigue?

Look for a Job you enjoy.

Although working is a societal expectation, your employment shouldn’t limit you. Your job doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be interesting enough that you don’t dread getting out of bed in the morning.

You must find a job that you are so passionate about that you would even agree to do it for free. Your Job shouldn’t make it difficult for you to engage in the activities you enjoy outside of work.

If you find yourself doing a job that you don’t enjoy or your work environment is toxic, it is time to find a new job because you can’t achieve a work-life balance working in a place like that.


Make your health a priority.

Your primary priority should be your overall physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Sadly, so many employees don’t take their health seriously. They are too concerned about what the boss would say if they call in sick. Funnily enough, the work will continue if something happens to them.

You don’t have to be scared to call in sick if you’re dealing with chronic sickness. There won’t be any improvement if you overwork yourself; as a result, you may need to take additional days off in the future.

You will be a better worker and person if you put your health first, you will be happier and more productive at work when you are there.

Create Time for yourself

Even if your life is prioritized by your job and your health, it is crucial to arrange a time for self-renewal as well. You must be deliberate to make it happen. Plan for personal time off just to refreshen. Enjoy a little pleasure each day. Take at least 30 uninterrupted “you time” moments. Your well-being, relationships, and career will all improve as a result. Make a connection to your spiritual source. Belief in God can be a deep well from which to draw inspiration, direction, and strength.


Create Time for your loved ones

Deliberately plan to spend quality time with the people you love. Creating family time and date night with your spouse goes a long way. Have specific days planned out for this ensuring it does not clash with work so as to avoid having a work-life conflict. Though you may have a very busy work schedule, it is important you still have time for your personal relationships, ensuring your loved ones don’t feel neglected.

Always remember that family is key. Your loved ones will love and appreciate you more than the people in your organization. No matter how important you are at work, you can be replaced, but ensure no one replaces you as a spouse or a parent.

Take a vacation

 Taking a break and going on a holiday is important.

No matter how long or short your vacation is, or no matter where your vacation is, make sure it is a vacation.

Leave work and shut down for a while. You will come back to work refreshed because you will be recharged both physically and mentally.

One of the benefits of taking a vacation and well-deserved time off work is that you will most likely be well-rested and more productive when you return back to work.


Work-life balance for you may be a bit different for me because we are different and we all have separate life commitments.

It is important that we decide on ways to achieve a balance at work and in our personal life.

We should choose the lifestyle that works best for us because balance is exclusive to each person.


Achieving a healthy work-life balance is similar to becoming a professional athlete or preparing for a triathlon.

To get in shape and keep it there, one must make a deliberate effort.

But those who devote themselves to this, profit much in terms of their health and quality of life.

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Adesimbo Banjo

A professional educator

Adesimbo Banjo is a professional educator who has worked with children for over 19 years and is very passionate about raising the next generation of leaders. She is the Head of Role Model School

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